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Learn to Shoot in Manual Mode

Do you want to learn how to photograph those images you envision (but turn out NOTHING like you planned)? Of course you do! To do that, you'll need to take control of your camera. You'll need to tell your camera what to do and not the other way around. Believe it or not, you know more than your camera! In order to have FULL control over your camera and any given lighting situation, you will need to move your camera into FULL manual mode (M on the dial).


Every year I have a handful of people inquiring about mentoring sessions and this year is no exception. Most people want to learn all they can, understandably, about photography as fast as possible! Well, there is a TON of information to be covered so I thought we would start with a session all about shooting in manual mode. Learning to shoot in manual mode is going to change your photography MORE than any amount of Photoshop could ever do! Editing a technically incorrect image in Photoshop is going to help that technically incorrect image very little! So, this Spring, we are going to learn how to achieve great images in camera first!

What I’ll be covering:

  • How to set your DSLR to manual mode

  • Define manual settings and explain their appropriate applications

  • How to read the in camera light meter (this is the game changer!)

BONUS: Everyone will also receive a complimentary headshot by me!

April 11, 2015: 6 spots available [$129]

Please contact me and reserve your spot here!

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