It would definitely be an understatement to say we had the time of our lives! I've always wanted to visit the Bahamas and more importantly, for some reason, I've been obsessed with Dolphins since I was little! They've always been my favorite animal and our dolphin excursion did not disappoint! I just wish we could have stayed longer! Disclaimer: I hope I don't bore most of you with a ton of random photos of random things in Nassau but I will always cherish these photos! Enjoy!
The first sunrise on board!

I can't believe I didn't get sick...until the very last day!

That moment when you first see land in two days!!!

More land! I never know what I'm going to reget not getting a picture I photograph EVERYTHING at least once!

I love this picture! Plus that lighthouse is centuries old! I like old stuff :)

Off of the boat finally...

...just to get on another boat! Our tour guide, Otis, was the best! he made the 30 minute ride over to Balmoral island a blast!

I did manage to get one picture myself of the dolphins...Of course they didn't allow personal photography so this is the best I could do! haha

Really, this was the highlight of our trip!

I know, I was wayyy too excited!!!

I'm still not sure why people were using the pool when there was clear ocean water right behind them!

Just one of our many awkward portraits because one, it's a self portrait and two, he was over taking pictures about 2 minutes in!

Just a little more of Nassau before we left port...we didn't have time to walk around since we visted Balmoral Island for the majority of the day but I got plenty of pictures from the ship!