I remember meeting Cole and Morgan to discuss their wedding plans last summer in a coffee shop in Burlington, NC. Again, I was lucky to have met two of the sweetest people ever! Fast forward to the wedding day at Timberlake Earth Sanctuary on May 19th and I see several familiar faces when I arrive and come to find out we go to the same church! No, we're not totally oblivious! Morgan's family goes to the 9AM service and we go to the 11AM (I have to get a little sleep over wedding nights haha!) Cole and Morgan's wedding day was God-centered and I loved their prayer time together right before the ceremony! Enjoy the highlights of their wedding day below! *no screenshots please

Don't you love her ring!? It's vintage!!!

I lOVE all the blush in these images!!!

Morgan even did her own hair on her wedding day! I love it!

While the girls were getting ready, the guys were also getting ready...haha

They read letters written to one another first and then Cole led them in prayer before they walked down the aisle!

Isn't this ceremony something out of a movie!?

Cole seeing his bride for the first time!

Pastor Darrell took extra time during the ceremony for prayer and communion with just Cole and Morgan.

And they're MARRIED!!!

What a good looking bridal party!

These next images of Cole and Morgan are my favorite!!!